Being an ally for LGBTQ+ people

Being an ally for LGBTQ+ people

Do you know the importance of an ally to the LGBTQ people? An ally is someone who stands in solidarity and shows support to LGBTQ+ people; and one of the most effective and powerful voices for the LGBTQ+ movement. Whether the ally has just started learning about...
Pride Month: “Why be normal when you can be Special?”

Pride Month: “Why be normal when you can be Special?”

This thirst for justice is etched in me since my teenagerhood. I cannot stand inequality and injustice. These imbalances in our system made me aware that not all individuals are treated equally and enjoy their fundamental human rights entirely. Since 2013, I fought...
I-Story: Velani

I-Story: Velani

I am Velani, aged 27 years old and working in the NGO sector for 3 years now. As young as being 8 years old, I knew that I was born in the wrong body. Though being biologically a boy, I always felt attracted by boys and friendlier with girls. My parents even inquired...

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