A great leader once said: “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
This quote is etched on my mind and keeps on enflaming my heart! Indeed, Madiba was one the greatest and inspiring leader that this world has known and is legacy lingers. I can still feel his spirit, he is in me, he is with you, he is ever present in our daily struggles for a better world of tolerance and acceptance, pulling down walls and breaking barriers.
“When YALI is empowering me as an individual, it is also empowering a nation of young queers across the continent.”
– Yali Cohort 12 :- The leaders
Lasavanne Jürgen soocramanien has been selected to be part of the Young African Leader initiative, which is a 4 weeks residential workshop aiming at encouraging transformational learning and enhancing leadership skills among Young African leaders hailing from 14 countries in the Southern African Region.
“I learnt to embrace myself as a human being, to build my self-confidence and to be proud of my origins. Vukani Ma Afrika.”
– Jürgen wearing the veshti the traditional tamilian outfit for men
“It has been an enriching experience to be part of cohort 12 as well as the civic Leadership track, one of the best tracks !!”
– The civic leadership Track with its facilitators at Amazing Grace
– Finally, he is now a graduate in Civic Leadership