The Mastercard Foundation is an independent, private foundation headquartered in Canada. Our work, which focuses on Africa, aims to spur prosperity by promoting education and the inclusion of people in financial systems. We are hosting an open call for submissions of artwork, to be licensed for reproduction in print and digital publications, that will communicate the dynamism and diversity of African youth.

We invite young visual artists (ages 18–35) who live or do most of their work in Africa to submit examples of their art in response to the following question:

What do you hope for African youth?

Africa is a young and vibrant continent experiencing a major demographic shift. By 2050 it will be home to more than a billion young people, with a workforce larger than that of China and India combined. There is enormous potential in this multi-decade demographic boom, and tremendous challenge. Young artists have a unique perspective on Africa’s future. We are seeking artwork that reveals your perspective and captures your vision of living and working on a continent experiencing massive change.

Submission guidelines

We encourage submissions from both emerging and established young artists from
diverse backgrounds. Artists wishing to participate should send their submissions
no later than 15 November 2017.

The submissions should include:

  • The artist’s name, age, gender, country of origin, current home, language of submission
  • A biography of not more than 500 words
  • Clear, accurate photographs of each work, submitted as presentation-quality jpeg files (minimum 1000 pixels x 1000 pixels)
  • The creation date of each work submitted, along with dimensions and materials
  • One artist’s statement of not more than 500 words explaining the relation between the work(s) submitted and the submission question
  • Submission text supplied in any language in which the artist feels comfortable


We encourage the submission of a wide range of visual art of different types suitable for reproduction. Our intention is to license selected works for reproduction as photographs in print and digital media. To be selected, the artwork must render well when photographed. The Foundation will arrange for chosen artwork to be professionally photographed if needed.

Compensation for chosen work

Selected artists will receive a licensing fee of US$1,000 for the non-exclusive right to reproduce the chosen artworks in the Foundation’s publications, for non-commercial use.

To enter

Send all requested material to:

For more information:

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