Handsome Devil is a 2016 Irish comedy-drama film which revolves around Ned a gay teenager who ostriacised at Wood Hill college which tolerates a homophobic culture. Upon going to college, Ned gets a room to himself and his classmates jest about it suggesting that Ned is gay.

Wood Hill college is obsessed with winning the Rugby tournament. Comes into play Conor, a star rugby player, who left his old college because of him being violent and Mr. Sherry, their new English teacher. Little does the three know about each other’s secret – that the three are gay – navigating in a homophobic environment.


One night, after celebrating the team’s victory, Ned finds Conor entering into a gay bar.. and at the gay bar, Conor sees Mr. Sherry with his gay partner. The movie plot revolves around Ned finding it challenging to fit in at Wood Hill college, Conor feeling the pressure to act “straight” among his Rugby team and Mr. Sherry hiding his sexuality.

Young Queer Alliance

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